Just relax

Just relax
Just Relax__keep deep breath..


                Here are 30 ways to ENJOY LIFE.  Pick the ones that work for you:

  1.  Enjoy your meal. Don't just eat. Taste it's richness.
  2. Learn to cook.
  3. Feel music. Don't just listen it.
  4. Try to play music.
  5. Sing.
  6. Take a walk in the park.
  7. Gather with old friends.
  8. Go hiking.
  9. Read a novel.
  10. Find and watch a movie you like. IMDB will help you to find your favorite movie.
  11. Give yourself a lazy day.
  12. Play board games with your friends.
  13. Have a candle light dinner with someone who is special for you.
  14. Play games you like.
  15. Read comics.
  16. See beautiful pictures.
  17. Read inspiring quotes.
  18. Learn to paint.
  19. Read holy books.
  20. Exercise with friends.
  21. Watch funny videos.
  22. Play with kids.
  23. Play some ming games.
  24. Have a cup of coffee.
  25. Get a massage.
  26. Go to a museum.
  27. Go to a theater.
  28. Watch sunrise.
  29. Take pictures.
  30. Browse your photo album for your treasured memories.

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